Go Away
12:35 amI know, it's already July.
And I know I always come here only when I'm feeling stressed out.
It's been more than a year, all these PKP, PKPD, PKPB, PKPP and I don't know what other name they'll come with after this, but.. I think I'm okay all this while, I think?
Eat well when I'm happy.
Eat well when I'm angry.
Eat well when I'm stress.
Eat well=live well, no?
Of course no. Breaking down twice in eight month. Can't focus most of the time, sometimes lost my interest on what I love to do, sleep at 2-3 in the morning for almost a month now (idk why tbh), feeling guilty to everyone but did nothing at all to fix it, want to leave all my position, loved people who don't love me, just tired.
Opss! I do have best things happened around me too.
Ibu, abah and me painted my room, the birth of Maryam, Fahim, Uthman (my friends babies ofc), got a salary raise, joined online courses and...what else? Can't think of anything.
May better days will come ahead for us after this, insya-Allah. Till then.